Every lawyer’s goal is to own or work for a law practice that self-sustains through word of mouth referrals. Word of mouth means no yellow page ads, no marketing budget, and automatic positive reviews.
Typically, word of mouth clients seek your services because someone they trust has recommended your services to them. This means that trust has already been established by a mutual acquaintance. A pre-established trust means an easier, happier client, and an easier client means a contented attorney.
So how can you kick-start word of mouth referrals?
Start off by expanding your referral network. Make friends with lawyers who practice in non-competing areas of law, and set up a referral exchange with them. It may sound trivial, but once put into practice, it really works.
Take the additional measure of instructing happy clients to send their friends your way. Even if you don’t practice in the area of law they need help with, you can refer them to an attorney in your referral exchange network. And you know what? That attorney will be more likely to refer someone back to you.
Networking is one of the most viable marketing methods out there—so the sooner you put in that order of business cards, the better.