Do you feel that your practice is lacking a more humanized, personal touch?
You may be so busy that you don’t always think about how your clients perceive you. But a positive presentation is something that should always be on your mind—and in your interactions with clients.
Some people have it already, but many attorneys are still learning what it means to empathize. Putting yourself in your client’s shoes is something you may need to practice, but it can help motivate you and put your client at ease. Let them know that you understand their situation (and if possible, relate a personal experience to their dilemma), and tell them about any similar situations you may have handled and resolved in the past.
But remember!—empathy is not just a pat on the back and an “I know what you’re going through.” Skip the canned Hallmark reassurances. If you want to make a true empathetic connection, you will need to listen and relate. You don’t need to be their therapist, but you should be their confidante.
Empathizing with your client will encourage comfort and ultimately establish trust. And with over 88% of consumers claiming that it’s important to trust their lawyer, an ability to express empathy can be a key factor in your client’s decision to retain your services.
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